Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thanksgiving is such an interesting time of year I think. It's a whole day that is dedicated to remembering what you are thankful for. Why do we need a day set aside to do that? Shouldn't we be thankful every day?! Well I know that this year, at this time, I have found myself particularly thankful! I'm thankful for my wonderful, awesome husband to whom I respect tremendously! I'm thankful for family. I'm thankful for our friends. I'm thankful for the opportunities and ways that I've grown this year. On these I will expand....

First, my husband. He truly is a wonderful man who loves me and loves the Lord. I cannot think of anyone else that I could have faced this past year with besides him. He has been a rock for me, a shoulder to cry on, an encourager, a best friend, and so many more things. I am currently learning, recent thanks to our Sunday School class, about what it means to respect him. There is no better way to show your husband (or the man in your life) that you love him, than to respect who he is and tell (or show) him that...often. While this is a work in progress, I am grateful for his patient heart and his grace. We are learning together.

My family... I have a great family, on both sides. My parents have been so supportive of our journey these last months. I am thankful for their patience in raising me and sending me out to the world, often far away. I have been equipped with life skills from them that I discover all the time. You don't realize what your parents pour into you until you're on your own. To my brother, Mark, I'm so thankful that he entrusts me with the secrets, the joys, and the hard times that he faces. He has given me an awesome, adorable nephew too! I only wish we were together more often. My in-laws, all of them... I have definitely been blessed with wonderful in-laws who have accepted me just as I am and loved us together as a couple. I do not think there is anyone who has more supportive in-laws than I do. This is so important, I have observed, in the health of a marriage. I had the privilege of spending time with them over this Thanksgiving holiday and was truly grateful for the company of family, particularly now! While Shon, Michelle, Sheldon and Larkin are across the country from us, they have been awesome to get to know and share life, challenges, and prayers with.

We have been overwhelmingly blessed with amazing friends! The outpouring of prayer, love and support, this year especially, has become ever increasingly evident. The encouragement provided to us brings tears to my eyes and I do not know how we would have survived without it! Everywhere we have moved, God has blessed us with longtime friends that have shared much happiness as well as hard times with us. You are our family! Having lived at least 6 or more hours from my own family for over 10 years now, my friends have kept me sane and been God's hands and feet to me. I cannot express the depths of gratitude I have for you in my heart!

As for opportunites and growth, we have certainly faced our fair share of those this year. However, I would not change any of it. I do really mean that. Would it have been nice to have children the old fashioned way? Sure. But I would not have learned the lessons, I would not enjoy the closeness with God that I now have. What a blessing God has given us to provide the finances and resources for fertility treatments! I know that Chris and I would not have grown together as a couple as much as we have this year. I have learned more about how to use and trust God's Word in the past year than I have in the past 10 years since I became a believer. I have greater appreciation for the miracle of life and blessing of children! When our little one finally arrives one day, the joy and true appreciation will be overwhelming. Children are a gift from the Lord!

So I end the day with a full belly and thankful for all we have and what is to come!


Em said...

Amy, all so true and so encouraging! God is so good....still praying for Thursday.

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

Praying in Nicholasville, too! :)