Saturday, November 22, 2008


Today's call was very good, here is the run down on the embies:
3 - 4 cell
1 - 5 cell
2 - 2 cell
2 - 3 cell
That's only 8 but all 9 were growing. We think there is another 3 cell. On day two they want them to be at a cell 4 stage, the call was early in the moring so the 3 cell embies would probably be at 4 cells by the afternoon and we have the 5 cell that is ahead of schedule, YEAH! Here is a picture of a 4 cell embie (not ours though).

The two 2 cell's both have some fragmentation. This is somewhat normal. They say that most of the time it will continue to grow, we will see on the days ahead. Here is a picture of a 2 cell with fragmentation.

They are supposed to call us back at 9am and decide if they are going to do a day 3 transfer. They have us scheduled for 11am for a transfer. This is standard for them to do. We don't think they will do a day 3 transfer since we have so many embies growing so well right now. Tomorrow will give us more info!

1 comment:

Em said...

Love all you posts! So good to hear all the good news about your embies!!