Friday, November 21, 2008

Our First Call Back

Do you remember when you were like in the 5th grade and you got your report card from school and you were really nervous about opening it, or maybe your boss calls you and says they need to sit down and "talk". What's that feeling like?

Well, today was quite like one of those days. Yesterday went so well, I got up this morning and everything was going great too. We were expecting a call from the doctor's office around 11 to give us an update on how many eggs got fertilized. Jaime, the embryologist, called Amy, then Amy called me. We had a little issue getting us all on the phone, but we all got on and then Jaime started off VERY slowly saying "Well, here is where we are right now". Why is it that our brains go straight to the most negitive thing you can think of? My adrenaline started pumping so much it was out of control. If you already read Amy's post from this morning you already know that the news that Jaime was giving us was excellent!!!! We had 9 eggs that fertilized and are growing, and that is really good!! So my adrenaline was pumped up so much that I was having such a hard time working and I didn't calm down till about 4 in the afternoon.

I was still pretty excited after work that Amy and I went to get a pedicure. I really wanted a massage, but we couldn't afford doing that. I know my friend Matt's going to give me a hard time about that, but I didn't care. We sat in the massage chair and had our feet soaking in the hot water for about an hour; it felt so good and was so relaxing.

I called my friend Tim, who's gone through this before, to talk about the call today. He says the next few days are like this when they call and give you an update each day. He also says the last call telling you if your pregnant is the worse call to take. I'm praying the next few calls don't get me so stressed out.


Judy Neagle Conley said...

I got palpitations just reading your post--and I had already read Amy's and got the text earlier. I was thinking what did she not tell me. Whew! What an adventure!
Love, Mimi

Andrew said...


I am happy for you guys. On the other hand, not so happy about the pedicure. ha.
