Monday, May 11, 2009

Retrieval Day

Good afternoon everyone! Well I'm finally awake again and hangin' here at home. Man, 5:30 am comes really freakin' early!!!! All went well. I, of course, don't remember a thing. They retrieved a couple of basketball teams today (that's 10 eggs for those of you non-sporty peeps).

We got home around 9 am. I then proceeded to nap for another 3-4 hours. I'm awake and feeling fine. A little crampy, but that's expected and the least of all the worries and pains! Now it's just the waiting game, the hardest part of all. Thank goodness that over the next few days we will get updates on the eggs (hopefully embryos tomorrow). That helps pass the time for the first few days.

Thank you for all your prayers up to now! We would love to have your continued prayers for PEACE in this time of waiting, good fertilization rates and that our embies grow, grow, grow! And as always, that the Lord will bless us with a healthy little Earhart in a couple of weeks (starting to grow for 9 months anyway, not that he/she would actually be here in a couple of weeks)! Okay I'm rambling now. Ya'll know what I mean!

1 comment:

Em said...

So exciting! Praying for your little embryos!!