Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone! Well, we are headed to Nashville this weekend to see my family for Christmas! I'm super excited as I have not been home for the holidays in 2 years! A lot has changed that 2 years and it will just be good to be home. I'm also looking forward to seeing some old and dear friends. I'm planning to see my best friend from high school, Tara, and a close college friend, Anna. I miss them and can't wait to catch up!

Also, I wanted to take this time to thank everyone for their love and support these last couple of months. Even though it did not turn out as we had hoped, we know that God has a reason. Your encouragement and just knowing that you're reading and praying with us is so precious. It is a wonderful reminder that God created us to live in community just for times like these. It is through friends and family that we have a tangible look into the heart of God and the way He wants to love us. You are His hands and feet to us, He comforts us through you. You are a constant reminder that He IS still there and walking through this with us.

May you have a very Merry Christmas this year!


Em said...

Hey Amy, I found these quotes this morning.....I actually have them on my facebook page, but they were so helpful to me when we were struggling with infertility.
"Don't ask God to do what you want. Ask God to do what is right."

"Pray all the time. If necessary, use words."

"You'll give up on yourself before God will."

"When you choose to worry, you are choosing not to trust God."

"Changing direction in life is not tragic, losing passion in life is."

Merry Christmas, have fun in Nashville! You guys will be so close to Lex.

The Jesters said...

Bummer! I know your time was probably short in Nashville, but I just read your post tonight and we disappointed that we couldn't have hooked up with you there. We were there from Dec. 20-25, and now we're in Williamsburg visiting Dan's folks! Hope you had a great Christmas!